Guest Book


Name: Heather King 
Telephone: 2088669606 
Comments: I was just reading through the tributes to my dear husband, John King. It made me smile and cry at the same time. I knew how much of an impact he had on his students but it was lovely to hear about the impact he had on his classmates. The description of his relationship with John Sporlajic (forgive the spelling if it's incorrect) made my laugh. My sweet John had quite the funny, witty personality and I enjoyed reading about how John S. seemed to bring that out in him. He was truly the best man I've ever met and I'm so lucky to have been able to call him my husband. Thank you to all who wrote about him. It's a treasure to those of us he left behind. Sincerely, Heather King

A. C. Jones 
8:34 PM (12 hours ago)
to me
Roxann -  
Just back from the celebration of Mel Shelton's life.  Roxann,
you're amazing!  Thanks so much for your efforts.  The service
was 10% funeral and 90% telling stories about Mel and how he
had affected our lives.  In addition to thanking Mel for his
changing us for the better, it was so good to see my old friends
Shirley, Peggy and Patsy Ewing, Doug Cochrane, Steve Smith,
Bill Kennedy, Jan Wallich (Judi wasn't there because she had
obligations inSeattle.), John King and lots of others.  There were
lots of folks from Boise State whose lives were made better by
Mel Shelton.  Tom Stitzel, who was dean of the business school
gave a very empassioned remembrance.  There were music
teachers whose lives had been changed by Mel.  Jim Perkins who
was the Band director at Borah High when we were at Boise gave
an empashioned talk about how Mel had helped when he first
came to town.  Marcellis Brown, the current band director at
Boise State and others are trying to figure out a way to pass
on Mel's memory by attaching his name to the district marching
band contest or some other event.  Overall, it was an inspiring
remembrance of an inspiring man.  If you can pass this along to
all interested, I would appreciate it.
Thanks, Ace
Hello Everyone,
If you get Judi's Christmas missive you already know she is Band Director,
Teacher/Advisor, Orchestra Mistress Extrordinaire in Bellvue, Wa (a suburb
of Seattle). 
Mr. Shelton was aware I'm sure and very proud of how his band
brats turned out!
BTW, Ace, if the medicine thing doesn't work out you could always be Judi's
Assistant (lol). I have vivid memories of you and Judi "strutting your stuff" in
those Brave uniforms!
While it is so sad to see our parents and teachers leave this reality, I am
comforted that as we the class of '65 grow closer as we grow older.
My very best to all of you as THE CLASS OF 1965 TURNS 65!

Jessie Thaten Allen
Outer Banks of North Carolina

Hi All - Although I was not in band, nor did I know Mr. Shelton on a personal level
as many of you did, I can hear in all the tributes that Mr. Shelton achieved
the purpose in life that everyone of us strive for ---------- to make a
difference or impression in the life of a child or children.   May we all be so
lucky to have the same said of us. 


Take care everyone and live each day to the max,  Sue Hanson Lenon

Jun 8 (5 days ago)

Hi Roxann, Doug, and others,

Patsy, Peggy and I will be at Mel’s funeral. Being a part of Mel’s Boise
High orchestra was a high point in my life. The manner in which he
directed and guided us kids through sectionals, practices,
performances, and trips was professional, intelligent and kind. 
When we were goofy, he was never cross; when we played out of tune,
he had us play it again; when we failed to keep our eye on him
while playing, he’d tap the stand and focus us; when we played
well and won recognition, he congratulated us. Mel was so
consistent. We loved coming to orchestra and felt like a happy
family. It was much later that I understood Mel’s gift for
composition. I am so grateful he came to our reunions. The world
lost a special man.

Shirley Ewing


Jun 8 (5 days ago)
Go Braves, I have been blessed by great classmates. In college and
law school there were many. But, none better than Boise High
class of '65. Go braves. 

Mel Shelton. Rest in peace. 

Jody Olson

Subject: RE: Mel Shelton's Passing 
Jun 9 (4 days ago)
Jody--That was a very well put sentiment about your classmates.  I
would like to add that a huge blessing to all of us was the teachers
and administrators with whom we came in contact.  I think of Inez
Woesner as making a huge impact on my education, and I can fully
understand the love and admiration the band and orchestra people
had for Mr. Shelton.  I only hope that so many, many years ago we
were mature enough to let them know of our appreciation.  I am not
sure I was.
Feeling the connection to all of our BHS class~  
Sue Ann Gilster Baxter
Roxann, thank you for the information about Mel Shelton.  Although, I didn't
play in the band I do remember what a fantastic marching band we had.  I
looked at the website you've put together for the class of 1965 and it was so
much fun.  I lost my yearbooks in a flood about 40 years ago, and it was
wonderful looking at some of those pictures again.  I can see you put so
much time and effort into such a huge project.  I've been able to keep in
touch with some of our friends from high school on Facebook and that has
been great too.  

Take care, Colleen (coco keith) Peterson.
Hi  Ace, 

I could not have said it any better.  Besides my father, Mel Shelton
was the greatest inspiration to me throughout my whole life. Without
him, I would not have aspired to further my education, teach at the
college level and later, have success in business.  He taught me to
be gentle but firm in my dealings with other people.  When working
with young people in sports, I attempted to use his example for
getting the best out of my players but still make sure that they had
fun. I had an opportunity to visit with him in July of 2010 but, at
his request, I did not do so.  He requested that all of us remember
him as he was.  However, he told me that he considered the class
of 1965 as the best.  I believe that our football team, symphonic
band and orchestra had the best talent compared to some
previous classes but then, we were overachievers that made it
work at an exceptional level.  God Bless Him - John Spoljaric
Stan Hosac,

Hi Everyone,


During the summer prior to our tenth grade the Boise High Band was
invited to perform at the opening of the Worlds Fair in Seattle.  A few of the
more talented from North, East, and Hillside Junior High were invited to
attend.  Even though I was a lousy baritone player I got to go because my
older brother Steve was band president for the upcoming year.  Mel Shelton
made that trip possible.  


In our Junior year some us more lucky guys got to accompany the drill team
to Idaho Falls so that they would have “live music” to compete too.  Boy, did I
enjoy that trip.  I think I made out with every girl in the back of the bus with
the exception of my cousin, Toni Carter.  That was another trip arranged by
Mel Shelton.  Mel Shelton arranged a full ride scholarship
to Wichita State for my older sister.  And, seeing him on a horse for his first
time was priceless when we took him deer hunting.


Mel was kind, always happy, an exceptional band and orchestra teacher, an
exceptional marching band teacher, and a friend to everyone he met.  We all
loved him and will miss him.


Stan Hosac                    * see you all at the “50th

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Rebecca Brock Ridenour
Posted on the 2022-08-11 at 20:00
Hello fellow classmates of Boise High, class of 1965 I thought I would post an update, since I posted in 2010.  At that time, my husband Rick and I lived in the mountains, south of Cascade. In 2019, we sold our home (in the dead of winter) quite quickly and moved back to Boise. We were staying in an RV park in Meridian for the winter months. The people who bought our home, had to snowshoe in to see it, but loved it and made us an offer that same day. Since we had not found a home to buy in Boise, we lived in our travel trailer, at the RV park until spring of 2019. We were fortunate to find just what we wanted and have now lived in our Boise home 3 years.  It's so great to be back!!  We had decided it was better to be closer to better medical facilities, since we both were having separate issues.  I have connected with some of our classmates, through Facebook. I am looking forward to seeing everyone at the reunion, who is able to make it.  My husband said he will skip this one and I am attending with a few other women who are also from the class of '65.   Take care and God Bless! Becky (Brock) Ridenour  
Posted on the 2019-12-26 at 19:00

How fun to see former classmates after so many years.  My husband, Bob Nix, class of 1966, will be with me, too.  Judy Gregory Nix

Stan Hosac
Posted on the 2019-12-26 at 19:00
I am very impressed with the professional design and creation of our Boise High website.  Which of you beautiful lady's put this together?

Love Ya All,   Stan Hosac

Thanks Stan, that would be me.  Roxann
Ron Wallace
Posted on the 2015-05-20 at 20:00
Hey Boise High, Greetings from Medford High School Class of 65, Medford, Oregon.  I was on our football team that played against you in Medford, Oregon fall 1964 and 1963. Congratulations on your great website.  Ours is not as nice but it is  I enjoyed reading about Paul Revere.  He played here in Medford, Oregon many times.  It was at our National Guard Armory.  We called them Armory Dances.   Anyway, best regards for your 50th. Ron Wallace Medford, Oregon  
Etta Jensen Brewer
Posted on the 2015-03-23 at 20:00
Hi to all, class of `65.  50 years, can you believe it?  I have read all your comments and really enjoyed them.  I have read the memorials and thought what a wonderful way to honor and remember all who have  past.   I did not play a real visible role in the class of `65 but I have been treated like I did. Thank you Sue and Roxann for that and all you do.  I was very, very lucky to have been apart ofthe Boise High Orchestra 1962-65.  Mel Shelton has and will always hold an honored place in my heart as will our orchestra(concert) mistress (LEADER) Shirley Ewing.  Etta Jensen Brewer
Douglas Cochrane
Posted on the 2014-03-20 at 20:00
I am honored that you paid a personal visit to our home to invite me to the reunion. What a gift!

Unfortunately we are suffering from a lack of Summer on the Oregon Coast so we will be heading south to Mexico on our boat in September. But I wish all of our classmates a great time at the reunion and good health and fortunes for the next five years when I will see you again.


Douglas Cochrane
Yachats, Oregon
Judth Olson
Posted on the 2010-07-11 at 20:00
It will be such fun to be in Boise again and to renew passed friendships. Really looking forward to it. Thanks for all the preparation for us-- I know it will be a time to reflect and remember.
Dean Connolly
Posted on the 2010-05-22 at 20:00
Thanks to everyone for helping.  It will be great to see everybody again. 
Becky Brock Ridenour
Posted on the 2010-01-24 at 19:00
What great fun to look at the pictures here and yet sad seeing the pictures of those who are no longer with us.  Thank you for doing this. I have also found many high school friends through Facebook.  What a surprise it was to find that Rosie Boggis and Bob Bissell live up here in the mountains near me. And Mary Rose and her husband also bought a home here and will live here when they retire. I hope we can get to the reunion. We are planning on it.
Gloria McLachlan McDonald
Posted on the 2010-01-13 at 19:00

I think you did a great job on this website.  It brought back wonderful memories and some grins as I scrolled through the photos.  Hmmm, there certainly have been some hair and clothing style changes for all of us through the years that made me chuckle.  Whether I can come to the reunion, I don't know yet, but I wish each of you a wonderful 2010, good health and happiness.  It seems like only yesterday that we were rushing around in the halls of BHS.