2022 Reunion Details
Dear Classmates--
I have been thinking about all of you and our desire to gather in person to commemorate our shared experiences fifty-five years ago.  Make that fifty-seven years ago.  
As I thought about this, a number of phrases came into my mind such as "where there is a will, there is a way"; "if at first you don't succeed, try, try again"; "better luck next time"; and "third times a charm."  I've decided to settle on that last one and I wanted to let you all know that your reunion committee has decided on September 17th as our third attempt to gather us all together.  
As it was before, this will be a one-night-only affair, and it will be held at Hillcrest Country Club with both inside and outside spaces available. 
Heavy hors d' oeuvres will be offered all evening and the price for this affair to remember will be only $19.65 each!!    
Please mark your calendars for this special night, with registration forms and more information coming soon.  
I can't tell you how much I am looking forward to seeing all of you, so please make every effort to come; and try to contact those friends who you would also like to see again, and make sure they will also plan to attend.  Watch your email and our Boise High website for all of the details, but mark your calendar TODAY.
Always a Brave and so proud of it--Sue Ann
57th Boise High 1965 Reunion

Registration Deadline is Thursday, September 15, 2022

If calling Sue Ann, please leave a message if she is away from the phone.

May 7th, 2021

10:45am EDT

4610 W Hillcrest Dr.,
Boise, ID, US, 83705